THE DUCKS (deel 2, ebook) van de serie THE WORLD OF WOODSY DAPPLEFLUFF is online
THE DUCKS (deel 2, ebook) van de serie THE WORLD OF WOODSY DAPPLEFLUFF is online

THE DUCKS (deel 2, ebook) van de serie THE WORLD OF WOODSY DAPPLEFLUFF is online

Inmiddels is ook het ebook, deel 2 uit de vertaalde serie DE WERELD VAN KNOEBELTJE HOBBELDEBOB verschenen. De Engelse vertaling was in handen van Anne Marie Westra-Nijhuis, die ook de Duitse vertaling voor haar rekening genomen heeft. Deze verschijnt binnenkort.
Verkrijgbaar in webshops of in de bibliotheek of in andere abonnementenservices/streamingdiensten 
PART 2 – the ducks
Woodsy Dapplefluff meets his new neighbours at the pond in the park. When he builds his house, he gets help from a sweet blackbird, who lives just a little further away.
In this series we meet a cheerful, playful little woodsy who gradually discovers itself in a world full of small adventures and wonders. Fiction. Woodsy Dapplefluff is a fantasy figure with distinctive characteristics and human features recognizable to children (from 4-6 years).
Each part can be read on its own, but they are all connected. All together they form “THE WORLD OF WOODSY DAPPLEFLUFF”
PART 1 – building a house
Woodsy Dapplefluff longs to have a house with a bed and a bath. In the park he meets a mole who goes out into the world.
Publisher: Xpath Design multimediaproducties Amsterdam/storytelling
Translator: Anne Marie Westra-Nijhuis
Cover: Niek van Wijngaarden
Available at: Amazon, Kobo,
Cover Woodsy Dapplefluff